Hong Kong

To the airport :  We went to the airport at around 9:30 am it was sad and exciting at the same time.  We had breakfast at Hungry Jacks in the airport.  After we ate Hungry Jacks, it was time to go so dad said good bye and we went inside to the customs. The people there checked our passport and checked our luggages to check if anyone brought any things illegal.  Then we went to the waiting area and waited, I was a child so we could go through first. Our first stop was to Melbourne and it was cool being over the clouds it was like being in Antartica because the clouds were like the ice. When we arrived at Melbourne we sat down and waited while I played my DS.  Then it was time to go to HK I was excited.  When we arrived on the plane I played my DS while we were waiting for the speaker to say switch off all electronic thing’s.  It finally said it then we started to move they were now showing the safety rule’s then they started to take off.  We arrived in Hong Kong at 9:45 pm and we had to check out at the customs with passport.  After we claimed our luggages it was around 10:30 pm and my uncle was waiting to pick us up.  I was so exhausted after the long flight and I skipped the shower and crashed on to the air bed.   TO BE CONTINUED……..

By Koni



  1. Hi Koni,

    I was just wondering, What plane did you go on and did you have a good flight? How long did the flight from Melbourne To Hong Kong?
    Please reply,

  2. I hope you have been having a good time in Honk Kong in the past few days.
    P.S I miss you

  3. Koni,
    Thanks for your blog post. We look forward to your next one.

    Mr. Baldock

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