Date: June 30, 2014

Organs in the body

Max and Jesse

On Wednesday when the year threes were on camp we got to create a human. Max and I  agreed on the name Gregory. Any way max had to trace me on a big piece of paper. After Max had finished tracing me we had to cut it out. Then what we had to do was draw what we already knew about the body.

Once we had finished that we had to get a computer and make some corrections and get some facts . Max and I chose to get some facts about the brain and the heart and I will now tell you fact about the heart and then the brain. First the heart. The human study of the heart and various disorders is know as cardiology. Now the the brain. The weight of the brain is about the same wait of  a rabbit. When you get past  all of  the work it was a really a fun task.

by Jesse


Year 3 ZooSnooze Camp – Part 3: Tigers

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On Tuesday we visited the tigers at the ZooSnooze. The Zoo Keeper gave Tuan a horses leg. When he ate it it made a crunching noise. Then we went back for some morning tea. Angela showed us a talk about tigers. There are 3 tigers in the zoo Tuan  Asiqua and Kemiri. I like Tuan the best, because he is very cool.

By Matthias

ZooSnooze 2014: Behind the scenes with Tuan the Tiger. from Mr Baldock on Vimeo.

Organs of the body By Matthew Pe

Matt and Gabi

On Wednesday we had had a health lesson.We had to choose a partner and we had to choose who would be traced. We had two pieces of butchers paper, but it was too short, so we had to add a piece for the head to fit on. Then we had to trace a person and draw and label organs like a heart, bladder, brain and so on.

I was with Gabi and we called our guy Esophagus, because we both liked the name. I drew lots of pictures  and we both coloured the pictures in. I drew a heart, brain lungs and a kidney.Two of the facts were your heart breathes 60 to 100 times per minute and your brain is the centre of your nervous system.

By Matthew Pe

Pet Education


On Monday 23rd June our class went down to the PAC to meet Sam (a dog) and Sarah (not a dog) to teach us about how to care for our pets properly. Our first impression was a big black dog scratching his back on the floor and sticking his tongue out. It may seem weird but it was quite entertaining .

The first thing Sarah taught us was the 4 things you need to have a pet, money, lifestyle, time and enough space. You need money to buy food & water supplies, a bed, toys, microchip, collar and pet bills. You need a healthy lifestyle, for example if you had a dog you would need to walk it most days . If you are always out and about you wouldn’t have enough  time to look after your pet. Finally you  need lots of  space for your pet to run around.

Sarah also taught us what to do when an angry dog approaches you.

#1 stand still

#2 look at the the ground, because dogs hate eye contact

#3 put your hands by your side

#4 slowly walk away.

signed H. E.R(Hannah, Elissa and Rosie)  


Organs of the body. By Cooper

Matthew Pi and Cooper

On Wednesday we had  a health lesson. We had to choose a partner and we had to choose who was going to be traced. We had two pieces of butchers paper.Then had to glue them together. We added a tiny head bit, because it was too short.Then we traced a person and drew the organs on the body.Here are some examples of organs, liver, lungs,heart,brain,kidney and so on.Oh and i was with Matthew.Pi.

After we finished labeling we had to look up facts about the organs in our bodies. We also drew a picture to show the organs. We then had to write facts for each organ. Here are some examples.

Your Heart beats 60 to 100 beats a minute.

Also your brain is the centre of your nervous system.

By Cooper

Organs of the Body


On the 25 June we did an activity with our teacher Mrs Pike. We had to draw one of our team members and my team choose to draw me. They had to trace me from my head to my legs and when we had finished we had to label our organs. We got to use the laptops to sketch the organs, but it was hard to find a good picture to sketch, but eventually we found one for every organ. The organs we drew were the bladder, heart, kidney and lungs. After we had to cut out our body and stick on our organs, we called our body Alex.

My team, Ryder, Matthew and I, showed it to the class. We explained the body parts to the class and gave an interesting fact on them. In conclusion I had a great time and learnt that stomach acid can melt a five cent piece.

By Oliver

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