Date: November 30, 2015

Stars Wars an easy game By Saara

Instructions: Get all the characters and you get 1000 points and it would add 100 points to your score.



How you win game: Get all the character and then you win the game.

Good luck

Star wars blog post by Rhys


You are working with R2-D2

To win you have to catch the characters

You can move with your keys try and get a score more than 4000

If you touch an object you lose 10 points

If you get a character you get 100 points

Good luck

Here is the link below

Star Battle. by Chloe

You need 1000 points and you need to get the puffer pigs to get the 1000 points.

You are not allowed to hit the fence but you only have three chances,  you have  to count  the errors.

22 x Tables by Saara

22 x Tables by Saara from Mr Baldock on Vimeo.

12 x Tables by Chloe

12 x Tables by Chloe from Mr Baldock on Vimeo.

Don’t get the Stormtroopers By Lachlan

Instructions: You’re R2 D2 you have to get all the tauntaun to win the game and if  you get the 1 Stormtrooper you lose the game. Push the link to play.

7 x Tables by Vanessa

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