Category: Religion

The Garden of Gethsemane

This week our class had the job of performing the ‘The Garden’ scene as part of our Holy Week performances. Below is a reflection on a our performance by Hannah.

In the Holy Week play I was Jacob.  Jacob was Peter’s nephew.  He is a young boy trying to learn about what happened to Jesus.

In this performance the disciples fall asleep in the garden.  That might not seem too bad, but Jesus had asked them to stay and keep watch.  This especially affected Peter, James and John.  Ruth and Jacob are friends trying to work out what REALLY happened.

We did not have the nicest scene: Jesus got arrested, Peter was found asleep three times by Jesus and more.  At the end of the scene Peter goes to the high priest’s house to see Jesus being arrested by the soldiers.  While there, Peter was asked lots of questions such as: ‘Aren’t you one of his disciples?’, ‘Weren’t you with Jesus of Nazareth?’ and ‘Weren’t you with him in the garden?’.  Every time the answer was no.

The play made me feel both happy and sad.  Happy because I knew it would end well, but sad, because Peter lost a friendship with Jesus.  It was also sad, because Jesus got arrested by the soldiers.

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Class Mass Invitation

Everyone made an invitation for their families today for our Class Mass. One is sometimes never enough. If you would like to make another invitation for family and friends feel free to print off a copy of the invitation below.

What does it take to become a Saint?

What does it take to become a Saint? Mikki, Thomas W, Joel and Jordan will tell you what they discovered below.

Mary MacKillop

To become a saint the church looks closely at the  personal life of the person. All the good work that has been done by that person who is wanting to become a saint.  They also look at how close to God they are and that they have worked and lived their life according to God’s rules. They also look to see if the person is worthy of the honour as well, and if they have performed 2 miracles that are unexplained.

By Mikki


Australia’s First Saint

Australia’s first Saint is Mary MacKillop. She was born in Melbourne. She opened the first free catholic school in Penola South Australia and had helped many more.  She had to go to the rich to ask for money for the children in her school.  She died in 1909.  Since her death many people have said how good she was.  To become a Saint the Church must say that the person has performed at least 2 miracles and they have to have been close to God when they were alive.  The Pope says that Mary MacKillop was a good person who has performed three miracles and thinks she should be a Saint.

By Thomas W

Thomas W

What does it take to become a Saint?

To become a Saint, you have to be close to God, Help the poor, be good and kind to people when you are alive, and perform two miracles after you have passed away.

By Joel


What does it take to become a Saint?

You have to be dead to become a Saint. You have to be close to God. You have to perform two miracles. You had to do good work.

By Jordan


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