Month: February 2016

Carnevale Day

Last Thursday as part of our unit of work on celebrations and commemorations we celebrated Carnevale Day. Both Year 3/4 classes got together to make pasta, play bocce and design a mask. A big thank you to our parent helpers on the day. As you can see below, we had a great time.

100,000 Visitors

Our blog hit a milestone today reaching 100,000 visitors. To all my past students and teachers that have contributed to this blog, I thank you and you can be all very proud of helping us to achieve the 100,000 visitors.


Meet Ronaldo our Class Pet


Yes, our class has a pet. He is a Hermit Crab and our class voted to call him Ronaldo. A very suitable name for a Hermit Crab, don’t you think? You can see him pictured above munching on some carrots. He will be visiting our families on weekends soon.

Cricket Carnival

Last Friday our class participated in a cricket carnival, put on by Cricket Australia. It was lots of fun. The teams were made up of children from all three classes Year 3-5 from Nativity. We competed against each other and against teams from Pilgrim and Thiele. A big thank you to Mr Searle for organising this event.

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Shrove Tuesday

Last Tuesday it was Shrove Tuesday. The money raised from purchasing the pancakes went to Project Compassion. A big thank you to our Parent Community for making such yummy pancakes.







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