Month: March 2014

Artwork with Mrs Daldry

Yesterday the year 3/4s were able to work with Mrs Daldry to do some artwork. Mrs Daldry was invited back to our school to be an artist in residence to assist all the classes across our school to produce artwork around the theme of Lent. Our class produced a 3D piece of artwork around the Last Supper. We hope you enjoy the video of the creative process and a big thank you to Mrs Daldry for a great Art lesson.

Lent Art Activity with Mrs Daldry from Mr Baldock on Vimeo.

Sports Day Prezi by Mia

Project Compassion

project compassion

Next Thursday 3rd April the years 3-7 will be hosting a Carnival Day at lunch time for Project Compassion. We are asking students to bring along a gold coin for entry and they can participate in as many activities as they can fit in during lunch time. There will be prizes for those successfully participating. 

Below is a video outlining the work that Caritas Australia is doing from the funds raised through Project Compassion.

Our class have setup a virtual Project Compassion Box. You can make a donation online by clicking the link below. We would greatly appreciate your support.


Sports Day: Post 1

Our class had a great day at Sports Day. This will be one of many posts to come on our Sports Day. This first post is a quick one to let you know the overall results and give you a look at the different teams from our class.

Congratulations to Yorke for scoring the most points on the day and taking out the Sports Day Championship Shield.


Congratulations to Murray for winning this year’s Spirit Shield. 


Our Eyre team pictured below.


Our Flinders team pictured below.


Student Blogging Challenge: South Australian Quiz

Our class have signed up for the Student Blogging Challenge this year. The Student Blogging Challenge is a series of weekly activities run over ten weeks. The goal of the challenge is to improve student blogging and commenting skills and connect with a global audience.

We are in the second week of the challenge and the activity we have chosen to do this week was to create a quiz about the state we live in South Australia. We hope you learn a little more about our state and be even tempted to come and visit.

Shrove Tuesday

Today was Shrove Tuesday. Students were asked to bring in a gold coin donation for a pancake prepared by our wonderful parents from the Nativity CRIB.

The day before Lent starts is Shrove Tuesday. This day was traditionally the last chance to use up the foods Christians would not be eating during Lent.

You can see for yourselves below that the pancakes were a huge success and it was nice to know that the money was going towards raising money for Project Compassion.






My Dream Bedroom


Hi today I’m talking about my dream bedroom with Alana. We will have a T.V and a couch. The T.V. is a plasma  T.V. which is also known as a touch screen. The couch can fit two people. The arch is white. We made drink bottles for  each other and we made our room in 30 minutes. It was hard but we did it.

It was fun working with Alana and it was hard at times, but we did it.

By Emily

My Brilliant Bedroom

BethanyThis is my bedroom it has lots of different things in it like, a smiley face rug, a sofa bed, two dogs, toothpaste walls and lots of doors and windows.

My favourite part of the room is the toothpaste walls, because you never have to go out and buy toothpaste. I like the sofa bed, because during the day you can use it as a sofa, at night you can use it as a bed. We have also got two pet chiwawas called Chewey and Pom-pom. They are so cute, but they keep weeing and pooing everywhere, but since we have lots of doors and windows the dogs can walk out whenever they need to do their business. The last thing we have got in our room is our smiley face rug, it is really fluffy and it talks to you.

By Bethany`

My Dream Bedroom


Well my dream bedroom is like a mini mansion, but it’s way too small for a mansion, because it’s only a one story. Oh yeah I forgot my name is Alana and I am going to share my house today. My house is a one story and my walls are white with little bits of black. In my house there is a T.V. It’s a plasma T.V and a touch screen. It’s so cool that I nearly watch T.V all day. My favourite show that I would watch all day would be life with boys. Oh yeah, no boys are allowed in my bedroom and no one else but me and my friends which are Emily, Mia,Niamh,Jasmine,Elissa and that’s all that is allowed to come in. Now let’s get back to my bedroom. It has a double bed in it and it has a two drink bottles. The lights are on either side and it’s got to have a door right, so it has a door and a welcome mat as well. It has to say welcome right, so yeah. Oh yeah it also has a really cool and I mean really cool part of the house and it is the…………………T.Vs of course. I have one in my room and one outside of my room as well. I find that really cool, because if you don’t then you don’t have a taste in design and tech, but to be honest I think most people would find it really dumb. It’s not like really cool but it’s just to make it really interesting ok, so you don’t need to think that it’s really awesome ok. Back to my room! My room is special to me, because it’s my dream bedroom and a dream bedroom is like something that you dream of having. I dream I have this room. It has two T.Vs, two drink bottles and also two lights and they are not just any lights they are really cool lights. Do you want to know how? It’s a lava lamp and its real lava. It’s a totally awesome bedroom, so bye bye.

By Alana

My Low Gravity Room


My Low Gravity Room

This is my low gravity room.  In this room the gravity is extremely low, so everything is floating.  This is because my bedroom is up in space, so if you go in remember to wear a gas mask.


In this room there is a floating bed, desk, ottoman, and bedside table. As you can see everything is blue, white and green.  You may have seen a floating bed a little bit like it on the block.

So that is my dream bedroom and I wish to have something just like it in the future (If I can’t get the whole room I really want the bed!).



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