This week our class had the job of performing the ‘The Garden’ scene as part of our Holy Week performances. Below is a reflection on a our performance by Hannah.
In the Holy Week play I was Jacob. Jacob was Peter’s nephew. He is a young boy trying to learn about what happened to Jesus.
In this performance the disciples fall asleep in the garden. That might not seem too bad, but Jesus had asked them to stay and keep watch. This especially affected Peter, James and John. Ruth and Jacob are friends trying to work out what REALLY happened.
We did not have the nicest scene: Jesus got arrested, Peter was found asleep three times by Jesus and more. At the end of the scene Peter goes to the high priest’s house to see Jesus being arrested by the soldiers. While there, Peter was asked lots of questions such as: ‘Aren’t you one of his disciples?’, ‘Weren’t you with Jesus of Nazareth?’ and ‘Weren’t you with him in the garden?’. Every time the answer was no.
The play made me feel both happy and sad. Happy because I knew it would end well, but sad, because Peter lost a friendship with Jesus. It was also sad, because Jesus got arrested by the soldiers.
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