This is my star wars game. Here are the instructions.
(1) You start with a rebel pilot and you have to go to him. Move the arrow keys to get to the rebel pilot.
(2) Once you get the rebel pilot a storm trooper appears and a Tauntaun. Then go to the Tauntaun, but don’t touch the storm trooper because you then lose 1000 points.
(3) When you get the Tauntaun a Probot appears. Then go to the Probot.
(4) When you get the Probot a Mouse Droid appears. Then go to the Mouse Droid.
(5) When you get the Mouse Droid a Mynock appears. Then go to the Mynock.
(6) When you get the Mynock you win the game and you tap the reset button to play again.
I hope you like my star wars game. If you want to play click the link below.
This is my review of the story the Gizmo. The Gizmo is about a boy called Stephen Wilkins. He stole the Gizmo to be a part of a gang. After Stephen stole the Gizmo it kept paying him back for stealing it. The main characters are Stephen and the Gizmo. One thing Stephen really wants to do is get rid of the Gizmo, but can he do it?
My favourite part of the story is when Stephen is in a brides dress and all the people at the wedding are chasing him. He hops onto a horse and rides away from them all.
My rating for this story is 9 out of 10.
By Lauren
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