Category: What’s happening in Mr. B’s class? (page 20 of 32)

Book Review: Who Sank The Boat?

Title: Who sank the boat?

Author: Pamela Allen

Illustrator: Pamela Allen

Brief description of the story:

The Cow, Donkey, Sheep, Pig and Little Mouse all Decided to go to the bay for a row. They all decided

 to get in together and the boat tipped over, because of the Mouse.

What did you think about the book: 

I liked how they all fell out of the boat and got soaking wet and how just the mouse the lightest weight tipped it over.

I thought that the book was a very good book, because it is interesting. I would give it a 9/10 overall. It is a very good book the author has a great imagination. It is very colourful.

By Piper

Book Review: No David

Title: No David

Author: David Shannon

Illustrator: David Shannon

Main characters: David and his Mum

A brief decriptionof the story: The story is about a boy called David and his Mum and David’s mum always said,  ‘no David’, but on the last page David’s mum says, ‘yes David. I love you.’

What did you like about the book: I liked the book, because David was naughty then he was good.

I gave the book 8 out of 10. I thought the book was great, because the illustrations were great.

By Eloise

My Book Review: I am not sleepy and I will not go to bed


Author: Lauren Child

Illusrator: Lauren Child

Main Characters: Charlie and Lola

A brief Desription of the story: The problem in the story is Lola just wouldn’t go to sleep and the solution was Charlie said “Lets go brush your teeth” So Lola says “But I can’t brush my teeth, because there’s someone eating my tooth brush” so Charlie says “but that looks like your tooth brush.”

I like the book, because it has a problem and a solution, and I have read lots of Charlie and Lola books!

I will give this book 10/10, because I think it has a good story line!

By Elise

Book Review: Animals scare me stiff

Title  Animals scare me stiff

Author Babette Cole

Illustrator Babette Cole

Main characters Tom

A brief description of the story  Tom is scared of the animals he thinks spiders will crawl up his nose

score 8/10

It is funny, because he tears off his pants. This is, because ants crawl up his pants.

By Jamie

Book Review: David goes to school


Title: David goes to school.

Author: David Shannon.

Illustrator: David Shannon.

Main charachters: David.

Breif description of the story:This story is about a little boy called David. He gets into so much trouble. He stays in after school and makes the desks look like sparkle.

What did you like about the story?: I liked the book quite alot. I loved the illustrations and the Author made the book really really funny.

I would give this a 9/10. I liked how he used silly words and did it all by himself. Impressive!!!!!

By Luke

Book Review: Wait No Paint!

Title: Wait! No paint!.
Author: Bruce Whatley
Main Characters: The pigs and the wolf.

A brief description of the story: It is about three little pigs. That were going to build a house out of thing like straw, bricks and sticks.
What did you like about the book?:

I like this book, because it has bright colours and good pictures. I like how there is fancy writing. I give it 8/10.

By Ashlee

Book Review: Willy the Wizard

Tittle: Willy the Wizard.

Author: Anthony Browne.

Illustrator: Anthony Browne.

Main characters: Willy the Wizard

A brief description of the story: Willy loved playing soccer, but he couldn’t afford any soccer shoes. One evning Willy saw someone play soccer. He had soccer gear. He gave Willy some soccer shoes.

What did you like about the book: what I liked about the book was Willy got a goal.

I give it a 10/10, because Willy the wizard was good at soccer with his soccer shoes.

By Kevin




Book Review: Little Yellow Dog Gets A Shock


Title: Little Yellow Dog Gets a shock

Author: Francesca Simon

Illustrator: James Lucas

Main Characters: Little Yellow Dog & Ginger Cat

A brief description of the story:

Little Yellow Dog & Ginger Cat fight over a chair, because they say it is their favourite chair.

What did you like about the book?:

My favourite bit of the book is the end, because they become friends after a big fight.

I give this book a 9/10, because I love the illustrations that are in the book and I love the way they are set out.

By Alicia

Book Week

This week the Campus will be celebrating Book Week. Our class will be attending several events during the week.


10:05 Book Week Parade in the PAC. Our class and all the classes from the St. Joseph building will be wearing costumes that represent our family origins.


1:30 Reading at the Aberfoyle Park Preschool. Our class will be reading picture books to the children at the preschool.


11:30 Dan McGuiness. Our class will attending a session with Dan McGuiness who is the author and illustrator of the Pilot and Huxley series.

Football Clinic with West Adelaide

On Monday our class had a football clinic. There were some men from the West Adelaide Football Club that were teaching us football. Some of the football skills we practiced were passing, kicking goals, football warm ups and marking. We did it up on the middle oval.

By Isabella B





On monday our class went to a football clinic on the top oval. The football clinic was put on by the West Adelaide Football Club. They were teaching us how to play football. They taught us how to kick and hand pass. They taught us how to mark and kick a goal and run really fast. The West Adelaide Football Club gave our class a football poster to hang up in our classroom.

by Josh




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